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. Tree Farmer Alert

Saturday, August 1, 2015
Over 800 readers and growing!

Colorado Tree Farmers are a network of land- owners that share forestry resources.

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Quick Quiz - What kind of beetle is this?

Click here for the answer and more.



Weekly aerial forest health survey report

contributed by
William M. Ciesla
Forest Health Management International
2248 Shawnee Court
Fort Collins, CO 80525

Attached is my report for week 4 of my part of the aerial forest health survey.  Please pass this information on to others who might find it of interest.
Regards, Bill

Read Report


Saratoga timber industry gains steam as beetle epidemic wanes

by Tom dixon
Casper Star Tribune

SARATOGA - Vast swaths of the Medicine Bow National Forest stand gray and dead in the wake of the worst mountain pine beetle epidemic in history.

Since 1996, the tiny, rusty brown, quarter-inch sized beetles have chewed their way through more than half of the Medicine Bow Forest's 1.2 million acres. Spruce beetles have hit an additional 118,000 acres.

Standing inside the Saratoga sawmill at the edge of the Medicine Bow Forest on a recent July afternoon, Gary Ervin patted a towering stack of two-by-fours.

The devastation wrought on the nearby forest has been a boon for the region’s timber industry. Ervin rejuvenated the mill, dormant for a decade, in January 2013.

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We're your neighbors just down .the road, behind the green and white Tree Farm signs and we care about what's happening in our forests.

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